"Warning to all people. There are a scammers from the website GENESCI-CHINA.c o m which are send now emails that seem to come from official Jintropin but is just a internet scam they send you a pricelist with very low prices and sign the emails as former well known real GEN LEI workers. In end ask for Western Union and scam the money. Be careful with this."
So we decided to do a little investigation of our own.
The Chinese language "gensci.com.c n" site links to "www.gensci-china.c o m" not the impersonator "genEsci-china.c o m"

The original GeneScience domain name "gensci-china.com" was created in 1998 and hosted in China by Nihao.net ( a legit Chinese hosting company ).

The domain is registered to this address :-
Tianhe Street,Changchun High-Tech
Developing Zone,Changchun
Changchun, JL 130012
All the legit "gensci-china.c o m" info can be verified on the company's EChinaBio page.

Plus if we check the original "www.gensci-china.c o m" on Archive.org we can see the site has been up for a long time.

The impersonator's domain name "genEsci-china.com" was created in 2008 and hosted by Thankyouhost.c o m ( a host with no valid contact info run by a 'James Bond' in Texas ) . The domain name itself was purchased via SnapNames.com ( a company that specialises in auctioning expired domain names primarily so you can inherit traffic intended for the original site's owner )

The domain is registered to this address :-
72 Tianhe st., Changchun
t Changchun
( 72 Tianhe Street is correct but note how many typos / errors there are )
None of the links on the impersonator's site are currently working so if they are scamming it must be through the use of email as TurkMuscle suggested.

There are no google search results for jintropin06@yahoo.c o m.
We did find that prior to Operation Raw Deal someone using the name "jack edwards" jintropin05@yahoo.com
Sorry, no matches.
It seems most likely to us that http://www.genEsci-china.c o m/ is a classic middle man scam.
That's where someone creates a fake site but uses the payment info / prices of a real source.
They begin by taking orders and having the payments collected and orders filled by the real source. Once they have established a good rep and the public thinks the impersonator's site is legit they change their payment info and continue to collect funds, of course at this stage product is no longer sent to customers.
This type of scam is amongst the worst because quite often the legit source who is being impersonated ends up getting blamed.
There's about a 0.0001 % chance TurkMuscle and myself are wrong about
Update : We've just discovered the impersonator has even managed to get his scam site genEsci-china.c om listed on Jintropin's Wikipedia entry :-(
The scam may be cleverer than we originally thought according to TurkMuscle's lates B.O.S post
"That's not the problem fact is now the scammers from genesci-china.com have gathered access to real GenSci email and sent priceoffers to all their contact of the real GenSci and sign emails as real GenSci employees and scam people. Be aware."
Sounds like they may have managed to trick a a real GenSci employee into installing a trojan horse or have simply brute forced the real GenSci's passwords.
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