Swedish scene 2009 summary.

I've been trying to find friendly international readers who were willing to share info on the their local steroid scene. The first guy who offered to help was Mr S from Sweden who gave us some links to Swedish steroid news stories and a little background on what's been happening there this past year. His email is in purple the translations of stories from the Swedish press in dark orange ( hopefully I havn't made it too confusing and please forgive the readability of the translations they were done by computer ). My comments are in black italics :-)

"For the past year Swedish authorities are making greater efforts to fight the increased use of anabolic steroids. Just a few months ago Swedish police undertook a large operation against competitive bodybuilders during which several of the the most successful names in the sport were stopped on their way from the gym and brought into local Police stations for drug testing, their homes were simultaneously searched."

Here's the link and translation of the story :-

"The main Swedish female body builder has been convicted of doping offenses. The last few weeks waiting for the male number one on trial. On Saturday gathered bodybuilders in Säffle for SM-races.

The the most front Swedish female body construction worker has fälla stem dopningsbrott. Since some weeks, the male one waits on legalaction. On Saturday, body construction workers are collected in Säffle for Swedish championship competitions.

Women are at a higher level and is not participating in the weekend's contest in the branch athletic fitness. She has previously won several national championships and is in his 40s.

She was taken into custody by police, as well as the 37-year-old male Swedish-number one, in connection with the drug police raids in April on a number of training facilities in Gothenburg.
Urine samples were collected at the woman and the analysis results showed that she had five anabolic androgenic steroid preparations in the body: testosterone, boldenone, drostanolone, trenbolone and stanozolol.

With the woman was seized several hundred tablets containing clenbuterol and ephedrine. The preparations are on international anti-doping agency WADA list of banned substances.

The indictment against the body builder does not apply to these tablets, but only one ampoule of doping agent stanozolol plus needles and syringes.

For this holding and its own practice, she was sentenced to 30 day fines as a punishment.

In police interrogations recognize bodybuilding author doping offense and declares that she is a few weeks later would participate in a contest in the United States. On race, she has been "slow testosterone" in the form of preparations mastoran and trenbolan.

She also claims to have taken ephedrine, clenbuterol and pink tablets, known as T 3. The latter should include thyroid hormone that increases metabolism.
Clenbuterol has previously been included in asthma medications, but is now in no drug approved in Canada. The female bodybuilding author says she bought the tablets in Turkey and was working on a cure before the race in the United States.

Awaits analysis results
at narkotikapolisen is taking place still the investigations against a number of the body construction workers that got catch in razzian in April. A reason to it is that the analysis results dwell from National Laboratory of Forensic Science, National Laboratory of Forensic Science. In väntan on that the investigations will be completed is oron big at the Swedish body culture association, it icke-Riksidrottsförbundsanslutna organisation that arranges competitions in bodybuilding and fitness.

On Saturday kept SM competitions in athletic fitness in Säffle, in early October, held in SM bodybuilding in Västerås.
We'd love to know who they are, so that we do not get them under investigation up to the podium during the MP, "said Kenneth Jackson, chairman of the Swedish Kroppskultur League.

"The Swedish Police were even threatening to test all competitors in this year's Swedish championship. In the article below it appears “someone” tipped off the media about the ongoing
investigations and convictions of several of the names that intended to enter the Swedish championship, I assume this is to make bodybuilders look bad in the public eye."

Police arrested 15 bodybuilders.

Parts of Swedish small in bodybuilding to legal prosecution. When narcotics police hit the gym several Gothenburg arrested 15 bodybuilders with anabolic steroids.

One of them we had inside died two days later, said Detective Inspector Adrian Magnus Johansson, who participated in the operation.
The man, who died of sudden cardiac arrest, was a 27-year-old described as extremely well-trained.

Raids against gyms in Gothenburg - two were part of large well-known chains and some were independent training centers - was an offensive operation, and something of a pioneering work.

For the police should have the right to take urine or blood samples must be a reasonable suspicion against the person. The special feature in the operation of gyms in Gothenburg was that suspicions arose when police officers were on site.

We went in and talked to people who were at training centers. This, together with what we saw gave the degree of suspicion necessary to take urine tests, "says Magnus Adrian Johansson.

To act was made in April and investigations are now being finalized with the drug police. Of the 15 who are suspected of doping offenses, most between 22 and 35 years but there is no single aged. Four of the suspects are women. Several of the suspects belong to the elite of Swedish and international bodybuilding.

About 60 different aas-drugs (androgenic anabolic steroids) were seized and a large amount of hypodermic syringes. In addition, the drug was taken in four of body builders.

A number of steroid users were suspected of selling preparations. In some cases, it is doubtful if the allegations are. A case is considered, however, more clearly than the others. It is about a person who bore the steroid preparations, packaged and addressed.

During the raids focused on the drug cops physically largest boys and girls and there was a concern that they would face violence. But almost everything went quiet.

A number of body builders seemed almost relieved to talk about his addiction. After talking with several contestants in bodybuilding, "says Adrian Magnus Johansson:
It is extremely difficult to get near the top of results lists for the non-doped.

Police drugs raids had a major impact on the gyms.
For any gym was deserted for weeks afterwards and the availability of drugs to buy was very limited for some time. Our effort was described as a witch hunt. And that we may well take the credit, "says Magnus Adrian Johansson.

In the future, will the drug police do regular visits to gyms in Gothenburg. The aim is to scare away those who are doing steroids, "says Stefan Vestin, reconnaissance chief of narcotics police.

Exhale gym in central Gothenburg has a reputation of being a classic "byggargym" for people who train hard. This is the only gym in Gothenburg, which is open around the clock.

Martin Naess, president of the company that runs the gym, giving the impression of being dissatisfied with his place image.
I'm trying to get away builders. I want more ordinary people, as students here, "he says. Builders pays well as everyone else? They are not people to make money. They want everything as cheaply as possible, preferably free. At the same time you advertise in the gym home gym with some of the most well-trained customer ? We are updating the website so it looks nicer, "says Martin Naess.

If anabolic steroids, he says that they exist at all gym and he sees no problem with the police announced more frequent visits to the city gym.
Have the police any issues so I am ready to talk to them.

"The bad press will make it hard for these people to compete since this information also have been given to organisation running the bodybuilding competitions in in Sweden (SKF). According to the above article potential competitors with ongoing steroid investigations against them will be disqualified."

It seems Sweden, New Zealand, Australia and the USA are competing to see who can over react the most to the 'steroids' problem.

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