Rumor : Owners of ProPharm busted in Operation Raw Deal / Juice Box sentenced.

A post on Professional Muscle suggests that Bryan Wilson got 35 months and his ex-wife 6 months. So far I've been unable to find any mainstream press reports on the subject.

Background on the case from the DOJ website :-

John F. Wood, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced that a Columbia, Mo., woman pleaded guilty in federal court today to participating in a conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids and to money-laundering. Today’s conviction is the result of Operation Raw Deal, an international investigation targeting the illegal manufacturing and trafficking of anabolic steroids and its raw materials, mainly from China. The related investigation in the Western District of Missouri is called Operation Juice Box.

April Dawn Wilson, 33, of Columbia, pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge William A. Knox this morning to the conspiracy charge contained in a Sept. 24, 2007, federal indictment and to the money-laundering charge contained in an information that was filed today.

On Monday, Aug. 25, 2008, her former husband and co-defendant Bryan Greggory Wilson, 39, of Kansas City, Mo., formerly of Columbia, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Bryan Wilson was arrested on Sept. 15, 2007, when he picked up a package from China containing approximately one kilogram of raw steroid powder at the Columbia, Mo., UPS Store. Law enforcement officers executed a search warrant of his residence in Kansas City and found numerous items consistent with the manufacture and/or conversion of anabolic steroids. Officers found two large pill presses as well as other laboratory equipment and what appeared to be finished product. They seized approximately $60,000 from Bryan Wilson’s residence and bank accounts controlled by April and Bryan Wilson.

DEA agents in California identified Bryan Wilson as an underground lab operator in February 2007. This information was developed from an international investigation into the illegal exportation of anabolic steroids from the People’s Republic of China. DEA agents in Missouri identified several Internet steroid message boards, which provide an arena to buy and distribute steroids. April and Bryan Wilson ordered the chemicals and steroid powders via the Internet, converted the raw steroid powder to pill and liquid form, and utilized the U.S. Postal Service and other package delivery service providers to acquire and distribute the steroids throughout the country.

April and Bryan Wilson caused multiple Western Union wire transfers as payment for anabolic steroids shipped from the Peoples Republic of China. They used bank accounts to comingle their drug trafficking proceeds with any legitimate sources of income in order to conceal the true source of the drug proceeds, and also used that money to promote the steroid distribution. From 2002 through 2007, April Wilson admitted, they deposited a total of $874,023 into those bank accounts, including $519,402 in cash deposits.

April Wilson admitted that on Nov. 28, 2005, she transferred a $15,000 cashier’s check – the proceeds of the illegal distribution of anabolic steroids – for payment toward a Noble M12 sports car.

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