We were alerted to a new bunch of lab tests on Axio's site by a forum post from one of their reps.
Here's the problems we found with the new test results :-
1. They claim tests were performed on a "Dionex Model 370U" yet if you Google this Dionex model number it appears not to exist. The only search results that mention it are from Axio's website. Nor can it be found on the manufacturer sionex's site. How could a genuine lab test be performed on equipment that doesn't exist ?
2. All tests have the same Laboratory ID "I1t2s3e4", it appears whoever is in charge of creating their test results doesn't realize each sample should have it's own unique laboratory ID number.
3. The maths on some of the new tests is wrong :-
Using their own figures the average dosage per ml should be 91.3 mg so it's approx 10% under dosed. The majority of the new tests results at least use figures that are mathematically plausible so it's obvious they were paying more attention when creating their latest set of test results.
4. Old parts of SRCS tests are still showing up in their latest 2009 tests.
"This report supersedes any previously generated report etc " was a phrase S.R.C.S only used when they were asked to retest an existing sample.
Axio and their retailer GenXXL have in recent months been replacing products that customers are unhappy with. I'm sure they will eventually realize that it would make more financial sense for them to do genuine independent lab testing prior to sale rather than having the expense of replacing bad products they've already sold.
didn't bother to check the original lab test scans but if your excerpts are the same as original it is more than obviously a photoshop mod (smudgy table lines vs extremely crisp fonts-letters, mismatched fonts, etc)...