Judge strikes ‘blow’ to correction officer steroid case.

An Oneida County Court judge ruled Thursday that there wasn’t enough evidence to justify searching the Deerfield home of a county jail correction officer last summer in connection with the alleged sale of steroids.

As a result, Judge Barry M. Donalty said prosecutors will not be able to present any of the steroids, testosterone and cocaine allegedly seized from the home as evidence against correction officer Peter DiNardo. They now are left to consider the remaining evidence for prosecution.

In addition, Donalty will further review the grand jury testimony to determine whether any of the related drug charges against DiNardo and his codefendant, former county correction officer Zachary Lazore, should be dismissed.

DiNardo, 42, of Deerfield, and Lazore, 23, of Yorkville, both are charged as accomplices with the criminal sale and possession of steroids in connection with an alleged drug transaction that occurred July 22, 2009.

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