Mahesh Khokarale, a 25-year-old instructor with Gold’s Gym, had everything going for him. The fitness freak and bodybuilder had won the Mumbai Shree title last year and was training for the Bharat Shree competition scheduled for February 2010. After that, he was planning to get married in May. But, all the dreams vaporised on Saturday morning when Mahesh passed away due to ‘mild malaria’.
Doctors say it was not the malaria that killed him, but use of steroids which had weakened his liver so much that when illness struck, his body could not fight back.
Mahesh was an instructor with the Worli branch of Gold’s Gym. A resident of Ramdoot building near Currey Road Railway Station, he had mild fever on October 31. “He took some medicine before going to work. All of us thought it was a regular fever and there was nothing to worry about,” said Sukhdev Khokarale, Mahesh’s elder brother.
On Sunday, when the fever persisted, Mahesh decided to rest at home. On Monday, accompanied by his fiancé, Mahesh went to KEM Hospital for a blood test and specialised treatment. But, at the hospital, he collapsed and went into coma. He was taken to the emergency ward and then shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
The blood test report, which came on Tuesday, revealed that he was suffering from mild malaria. “A patient does not go into coma and neither does the liver fail in case of mild malaria. His liver was damaged even before the malaria struck,” said a doctor at KEM.
Doctors, however, admitted that they had no record of Mahesh’s medical history, as he was admitted only after he collapsed. “We suspect he was on steroids since he was a fitness trainer and also a body builder. Secondly, liver damage leading to death in case of mild malaria is unheard of. His family too said that we must treat him assuming that he was on steroids,” said another doctor at KEM.
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