TheSourceCheck FREE FULL access this weekend only.

I was planning to do a review of The Source Check for some time and have been a free member since it begun ( the free section is ok but I was more interested to see which sources they endorsed / allowed to promote themselves on their site's pay for access section ).

Today I found a message from them in my inbox informing me that their Paypal signup was currently down and as a result they are doing FREE memberships ( eg full access to source reviews and feedback ) until the end of this weekend.

This is a great opportunity for you to see some honest and uncensored reviews of the biggest paying sponsors on the open forums. You'll probably be quite shocked to see what their ex-customers really think of many of them.

If you like what you find on there continuing access to their site will cost you $5 a month ( when I last checked ) of course the smarter readers will have already realized they only need to pay for access during the months they plan on actually placing an order :-)


  1. Its a small time board, full of small minded members. The board is full of hidden agenda's, and some blatant ones. Its been home to a number of scammers, in such a small space of time since its launch.

    Its steroidsuperboard all over again, expect a string of busts because of these guys, everyone runs their mouths far too much, all the information is wide open and no consideration for safety.

    If you don't value your safety and enjoy the company of ill educated college kids, then enjoy your new playground.

  2. In response to 'Critic' - Look, TSC has helped me and many other members that I can even count. Trust me......there are no hidden blatant ones (what examples could you possibly have about that..LOL) and is the most unbiased board I have ever encountered.

    So, that said, it seems like if anyone has a hidden would be you...why else would you just arbitrarily post all this negative information using zero examples? Hmmmmmmmm. At least I am speaking from first hand experience.
