The Mounties bust fake Viagra ring in Montréal, Canada.

"The Royal Canadian Mounted Police dismantled an organization specializing in the distribution of counterfeit erectile dysfunction drugs in the Montréal area. Nine suspects were arrested following 11 searches conducted at various locations, including sex shops. These persons could be charged with fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, infringement of a registered trade-mark and distribution of materials protected by copyright.

The Federal Investigation Section officers used sophisticated investigative techniques to work their way up the distribution chain and purchased several thousands of counterfeit pills as part of their investigation initiated in February, 2008.

Health Canada’s analysis of counterfeit pills recently purchased has confirmed the presence of the active ingredients found in genuine erectile dysfunction drugs. The investigation and the searches conducted in the seizure of more than 15 000 pills similar in size, shape and colour to genuine pills. The alleged offenders illegally distributed pills on a large scale to various places of business, including sex shops, in the Montréal area.

Based on intelligence reports, the police were prompted to look into the illegal sale of prescription drugs as an emerging trend. These drugs can be found on the Internet, and are also sold on the street and in places of business. This new crime trend is not only limited to erectile dysfunction drugs, and recent investigation cases show the counterfeit pharmaceutical market to be fast-growing."

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