Axio removing questionable lab test results from their website.

Axio and GenXXL rep LivingSteal posted the following on Body Of Science.

"Yes it was incorrect ( referring to one of their many false lab test results ); maybe you can get a job at Axio for proof reading and afford to register your own website. As I am told, this was when they migrated from the old format to the slightly newer one, this is a typo, and does not affect the result in the slightest. Bearing in mind this was from an independent laboratory, not Axio and that they just uploaded what they were given you still want to point fingers? Axio, being the great company they are have pulled the lab result and sent the sample back to the lab for re analysis just to be sure"

Sadly I've had to decline their kind job offer, the bad test results are of course being blamed on the independent lab. I'm just glad I've had the chance to make a great company even better and more honest than ever before :-)

( I expect all the test results from late 07, 08 and 09 to be removed from the site soon )

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