University football player banned after Canadian police launch steroids probe.

One football player has been banned from the University of Waterloo campus, and the entire football team underwent drug testing on Wednesday in the wake of a police investigation related to steroids and human growth hormone.

Waterloo Regional Police Service Supt. Steve Beckett told Canwest News Service that its investigation is separate from the university’s, and that the university or its football program isn’t the target of the probe, but rather the trafficking of the drugs in the Waterloo region.

The university has launched its own investigation following information it received from police last week, which led to the banishment of the unnamed player, “pending the disposition of legal proceedings,” the university said in a statement.

While possession of steroids isn’t illegal, possession for the purpose of trafficking in the drugs is. Their usage also contravenes the rules of Canadian Interuniversity Sport, which is the reason for the university’s involvement.

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