Hushmail - something smells fishy.

Hushmail disabled my blog's email addy "" today.

I've asked them why and look forward to their response.


  1. I've had the same too.

    I'll assume it's your fault!


  2. SBC as someone that works within IT, I can tell you that it was not Man who disabled it but Hush themselves. Why? Because the Man has all encryption codes and can read any and all e-mails if they want to.
    No, this is a classic case of someone complaining to Hush about your great site and Hush felt they had to do something about.
    I would contact Hush and try to re-establish with them. And if they still say no, then try other Hush-like services.
    Just FYI.
    Signed Munix.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Lost mine too. Right after a rather bad joke, maybe they don't like happy people. I'm giving safe-mail a run. I wish I had years ago, modern, easy to run, etc. PS, ever notice cyber-rights hasn't upgraded thier main page in five years?
