Donates $10,000 To Red Cross Haiti Relief.

A local company turned to its employees and customers to help the people of Haiti.

On Tuesday, CEO Ryan DeLuca presented the Red Cross with a donation of $10,000. DeLuca is gratified to have raised so much money and ranks the moment up there as one of the best for his company.

"Today is definitely one of the great days of being at being able to give a check for $10,000 to the Red Cross made a big difference knowing that we did something great. And knowing that we're helping somebody really felt really good," said DeLuca.

"To get a donation of this size unsolicited and unexpected for such a relief effort as Haiti, it's unprecedented, and it's very heart-warming to see this kind of a thing happen," said Red Cross Development Director Christopher Davis.

About 60 percent of the money raised came from customers who selected to donate their free gifts to the Haiti relief and recovery efforts, while employees accounted for the other 40 percent. That's a figure is particularly proud of and thankful for.

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