Despite the sensationalist headlines this is actually quite a sensible article on steroid usage .
"Dawson is anxious that government policy on anabolic steroids should not be directed by the considerations of elite sport and he is concerned by the paradox thrown up by the proposed male contraceptive, an anabolic steroid that would be given in “a dose that probably would have performance benefits”. He hopes too that the harmonisation of European legislation will not lead to the drugs’ criminalisation.
“That would drive this problem underground. The current classification is the right one because it makes a clear statement that you mustn’t give these to other people but you can seek care. We need to engage with these people, to educate them, to regain trust. When we say there are potential health problems, they need to know we are telling the truth. How can we further research sideeffects if these people can’t come forward with impunity?"
Details of the London clinic called Smart Muscle ( offering liver-function tests, needles and syringes ) discussed in the article are below :-
"The free and confidential sessions take place every Tuesday evening between six pm and nine pm at 31 Wardour Street, Soho, London W1D 6PT. Telephone 020 7851 2955."
"The service is completely free and confidential. It provides information on diet, training, cycles, stacks, post cycle therapy, side effects and help to identify counterfeit drugs."
I used to a simillar clinic in south London about 10 years back called Pump Clinic. It was great for detecting fakes just by blood results alone! I'll be going to this new one for sure!