Are Antiperspirants Linked To Current Prostate And Breast Cancer Rates ?

"This featured abstract reveals an overlooked source of hormones: reservoirs of cutaneous generated hormones and pheromones (androgens), primarily from the "axillary organ" [5] . Apocrine sweat glands are concentrated in the axillae. Estrogen, testosterone, and androgen-based pheromones are contained within these apocrine sweat glands, and nearby cutaneous-aromatase convert testosterone and androstenedione to estradiol and estrone respectively [6-9] . Apocrine sweat secretion is initiated through emotion or stress as well as physical activity. These odor-free secretions become odorous through cutaneous bacterial transformation prompting a currently estimated global annual expenditure of $10 billion on antiperspirants to obstruct the normal function of the axillary organ [10] . Antiperspirants are considered drugs by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because they affect the function of the body by reducing the amount of sweat that reaches the skin. By not being allowed to reach the skin, the hormonally laden sweat remains on and within the skin, making the antiperspirants potential endocrine disruptors as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency"

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