Currently all Thai dbols no mater how strong each tab is are very similar in cost per mg.

Each small white tub holds just 100 tabs, there's room for several hundred so i'm a little suprised they don't offer a 250 tab tub.
I'm not keen on the labels colour scheme however it's well cut and has a nice smooth feel and is well stuck to the tub.

The tabs are slightly larger than Anabol and the pale yellow colour is virtually identical to that used on BD's Anabol 10.
The desiccant sachet has Thai writing so we can presume the product really is assembled in Thailand.

The SB hologram is a basic silver foil type and doesn't seem to do a very good job of reflecting light in pictures it reflects so little light it's hard to tell it's a hologram at all. Perhaps the problem is that it's placed on the corner of the tub so that only a third of the hologram is reflecting light at any one time.

There are specks of dirt in several of the tabs, looks like SB's tab press needs to be relocated to somewhere a little cleaner.
No breakages in this tub so it looks like the tabs are reasonably strong.
A reasonable product overall although until it's available in a 250 or 500 tab tub it's not going to be that popular with international dealers.
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